Filed under Announcements
Musings of an Erotica Author
An attempt to critique bioware games in a level headed manner
the new misogyny, tracked and mocked
Going through life with one arched brow
. . . for girls (and boys) who like boys who like boys
"Unconventional" Works by an Unconventional Writer
Flash Fics and Photos
The LGBTQIA Romance Fiction Conference of the Pacific Northwest
on m/m romance, baking, knitting, and occasional smut
M/M Romance Short Story Reviews
Teacher, Author, Christian, Wife, Foster Mother, and Youth Sponsor...not necessarily in that order
Author, mother, wife, gamer/geek and horrid SJW out to destroy everything that's fun everywhere ever
Writing With Pride
Where Fiction and Reality Meet
I talk to imaginary people, speak of events that didn't happen. I tell lies. Also known as fiction, of the gay erotic variety.
Reviews of same sex romantic fiction
Serving gay romance, snarky side up.
Author, mother, wife, gamer/geek and horrid SJW out to destroy everything that's fun everywhere ever
Author, mother, wife, gamer/geek and horrid SJW out to destroy everything that's fun everywhere ever
Author, mother, wife, gamer/geek and horrid SJW out to destroy everything that's fun everywhere ever
Author, mother, wife, gamer/geek and horrid SJW out to destroy everything that's fun everywhere ever
Author, mother, wife, gamer/geek and horrid SJW out to destroy everything that's fun everywhere ever
Finding Adventure within yourself and the world!
Author, mother, wife, gamer/geek and horrid SJW out to destroy everything that's fun everywhere ever
Dedicated to GLBTQ-related books, reviews, authors, and publishers.
Writing M/M Action, Adventure, and Love
This website reviews Male/Male adult themed romance books.
Daydreaming! Reviewing LGBTQIA Books, all formats ! Binge Watching A World of Romance
Author, mother, wife, gamer/geek and horrid SJW out to destroy everything that's fun everywhere ever
Romance and Urban Fantasy Reviews
LGBTQ romance reviews and more
Author, mother, wife, gamer/geek and horrid SJW out to destroy everything that's fun everywhere ever
Author, mother, wife, gamer/geek and horrid SJW out to destroy everything that's fun everywhere ever
author, human, and working hard to become stellar at life
Author, mother, wife, gamer/geek and horrid SJW out to destroy everything that's fun everywhere ever
Author, mother, wife, gamer/geek and horrid SJW out to destroy everything that's fun everywhere ever
Author, mother, wife, gamer/geek and horrid SJW out to destroy everything that's fun everywhere ever