From today until Thursday, May 3, Juggernaut, the first book of the Strain series, is free on Amazon! Be sure to grab it while you have the chance!
Juggernaut is free at Amazon this week!
Filed under Announcements, News for Released Titles
From today until Thursday, May 3, Juggernaut, the first book of the Strain series, is free on Amazon! Be sure to grab it while you have the chance!
Filed under Announcements, News for Released Titles
Musings of an Erotica Author
An attempt to critique bioware games in a level headed manner
the new misogyny, tracked and mocked
Going through life with one arched brow
. . . for girls (and boys) who like boys who like boys
"Unconventional" Works by an Unconventional Writer
Flash Fics and Photos
The LGBTQIA Romance Fiction Conference of the Pacific Northwest
on m/m romance, baking, knitting, and occasional smut
M/M Romance Short Story Reviews
Teacher, Author, Christian, Wife, Foster Mother, and Youth Sponsor...not necessarily in that order
Author, mother, wife, gamer/geek and horrid SJW out to destroy everything that's fun everywhere ever
Writing With Pride
Where Fiction and Reality Meet
I talk to imaginary people, speak of events that didn't happen. I tell lies. Also known as fiction, of the gay erotic variety.
Reviews of same sex romantic fiction
Serving gay romance, snarky side up.
Author, mother, wife, gamer/geek and horrid SJW out to destroy everything that's fun everywhere ever
Author, mother, wife, gamer/geek and horrid SJW out to destroy everything that's fun everywhere ever
Author, mother, wife, gamer/geek and horrid SJW out to destroy everything that's fun everywhere ever
Author, mother, wife, gamer/geek and horrid SJW out to destroy everything that's fun everywhere ever
Author, mother, wife, gamer/geek and horrid SJW out to destroy everything that's fun everywhere ever
Finding Adventure within yourself and the world!
Author, mother, wife, gamer/geek and horrid SJW out to destroy everything that's fun everywhere ever
Dedicated to GLBTQ-related books, reviews, authors, and publishers.
Writing M/M Action, Adventure, and Love
This website reviews Male/Male adult themed romance books.
Daydreaming! Reviewing LGBTQIA Books, all formats ! Binge Watching A World of Romance
Author, mother, wife, gamer/geek and horrid SJW out to destroy everything that's fun everywhere ever
Romance and Urban Fantasy Reviews
LGBTQ romance reviews and more
Author, mother, wife, gamer/geek and horrid SJW out to destroy everything that's fun everywhere ever
Author, mother, wife, gamer/geek and horrid SJW out to destroy everything that's fun everywhere ever
author, human, and working hard to become stellar at life
Author, mother, wife, gamer/geek and horrid SJW out to destroy everything that's fun everywhere ever
Author, mother, wife, gamer/geek and horrid SJW out to destroy everything that's fun everywhere ever
Author, mother, wife, gamer/geek and horrid SJW out to destroy everything that's fun everywhere ever
Lookit Proverbs 18:21
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God bless your indelible soul.
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