Newly re-released! Sea Change and Risk Aware, Saugatuck Books 1 and 2 #mmromance #gayromance #newrelease #kindleunlimited #books @caseystratton

I’m so thrilled to finally be able to announce that Sea Change (formerly Saugatuck Summer) and its prequel, Risk Aware, have been re-released!

As you may remember from back when I released it as Saugatuck Summer, Sea Change is my favorite of all the books I’ve ever written. Beautiful broken, self-sabotaging Topher has a very special place in my heart and I’m so glad he’s back with us again!

Both titles are available on Kindle Unlimited. Unfortunately, this means you can’t get them anywhere except Amazon due to exclusivity requirements. If you wish to acquire an .epub file rather than a .mobi, so that you can read on your Nook or Kobo or iThing, buy the books on Amazon and screenshot your purchase confirmation/receipt. Then contact me here using the contact form on my About page. I will get back to you via email and once you shot me the purchase confirmation, I will make the file available to you!

Be sure also to check out the Sea Change soundtrack by Casey Stratton! (Yes that is the old cover and title on Casey’s store. Due to issues Casey is dealing with right now, I don’t feel comfortable asking him to upload a new cover or do the work to change the title. His wonderful music is still the same, and that’s the important thing.)

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