Player vs. Player is now available! Also, end of year deals on my other books! #newrelease #freereads

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Decided to sneak this in there before the end of the year! Player vs. Player is now available, in both digital and print forms!

As with all my recent re-releases, this title is only available at Amazon, so that readers can take advantage of having it in their Kindle Unlimited library. However, for anyone who reads on another platform, I offer you a workaround. If you purchase the book at Amazon, send me a link to an image of your receipt/purchase confirmation (use the contact form on my About page) and I will send you an .epub or even a .pdf if you would prefer to have the book in that form.

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Pushing for change can be deadly when change starts pushing back…

Niles River has his dream job, writing for a socially-conscious video game studio, and working with his best friend and his twin brother. Sure, he has to deal with incessant harassment from trolls and even protesters who take issue with his ethnicity, his sexuality, and his politically progressive storytelling, but the chance to make a difference in the world through his art makes it worth it.

Until threatening notes begin arriving, hand-delivered, on Niles’s doorstep, and two cosplayers dressed as characters from Third Wave Studio’s latest game are murdered. Their deaths echo plot developments from unreleased content no one except people who work at the studio could know, and Niles is one of the last people to have spoken with the young women.

Now his formerly-closeted ex is investigating the crimes, armed security guards are patrolling the studio, and the death toll is mounting—and getting closer to home. If they don’t solve the murders soon, it could be Game Over for Niles.

Box Set with Background Cropped

In other news, an omnibus version of the Strain trilogy is now available everywhere. I don’t think it’s up on Itunes or Kobo yet, but I’m working on it. They just take a little longer to process. It’s definitely available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Smashwords, however, and offers all three books at a significant discount to buying them separately!


Paperback versions of Risk Aware and Saugatuck Summer are also now available, though it’s a bit late to offer them as stocking stuffers! Still, if you’ve got those bookstore gift cards and love print, there are options!

And finally! I’m offering some end-of-year specials at Amazon!

Strain is currently available FOR FREE, and as of tomorrow, Risk Aware will be available for $0.99. So get those while you can and have a Happy New Year!

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