Note: Unless otherwise stated, Excerpts are ARC quality and may not have received a final proof-reading.
Inertia, Chapter One
Watching the Handyman (Inertia supplemental ficlet)
Just what prompted Gavin to begin flirting with Derrick? Written for a Thousand-Word Thursday challenge over at Cryselle’s Bookshelf, we get a glimpse into Gavin’s thoughts as he watches his new handyman work.
Frottage In the Morning (Inertia deleted scene)
Over at Coffee and Porn in the Morning I shared a smut scene that didn’t make the final cut for Inertia. Check it out!
Frottage on the Kitchen Floor (Inertia, Chapter Thirteen excerpt)
Yeah, I kinda love frotting. There’s a reason the “morning” scene above didn’t make the final cut, and it’s because this spicy scene immediately preceded it.
Acceleration, Chapter One
This chapter has been available as a supplement at the end of Inertia for some time, but I finally decided to share it here.
Another offering for the Thousand-Word Thursday challenge over at Cryselle’s Bookshelf. This short ficlet is set sometime around the beginning of Acceleration and gives a little insight into Derrick’s thoughts on becoming a lover.
Excerpt from Acceleration, Chapter Seven
Released in time for Halloween!
Excerpt from Acceleration, Chapter Eight
Brandon Shire hosted me for an interview, wherein I decided to offer readers a sneak peak at a pivotal chapter from Acceleration.
Excerpt from Velocity, Chapter One
This chapter is available as a supplement at the end of Acceleration as well.
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